Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” ― Mother Teresa

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”  ― Mother Teresa

Thursday, December 4, 2014

9. The most useful thing you should know--coffee cultivars

 QAQ  It is the last post; however, there are still much knowledge of coffee.  Since many people don't want to know many details about coffee, just having it, I want to introduce cultivars and countries.

  Czardas  performed by Kennedy is a gleeful piece. ~(*´艸`*)  
     Nowadays, most estate coffee cultivars is derived from Arabica. Though Arabica doesn't produce as much as other cultivars, it tasted far greater than others. However, depending on which country coffee beans is grown, flavor of Arabica differs a lot.

Then, here is the country.

 Yirgacheffe ( Ethiopia)
     A coffee region in Ethiopia, known for wide variety of aroma, ranging from jasmine, orange, strawberry. There are two types of it, dry processed and wet processed (日曬&水洗), the former fruity, the latter clean-cup, more acid, floral.

Geisha ( Panama )
    It is expensive but great coffee, winner of each year coffee contest, known for orange aroma.  It is reported that Don Holly, a quality control manager of SCAA, said he was the least religious person in the contest, and when he tasted the coffee, he saw the face of God in a cup.  So. YOU MUST TRY IT  >"<

Geisha ( Columbia)
     To compete with Panama, Columbia introduced Geisha. Because climate of Columbia is different from Panama, and there are many volcanoes in Columbia, the Geisha in Columbia has peppermint aroma.

     Kenya is known for bright, unique acidity. Maybe due to unusual coffee cherry process, though some people don't like acidity of coffee, Kenya is really attractive.

Blue Mountain ( Jamaica)
    It is very famous in Japan and Taiwan, known for clean-cup, balance, Extremely Expensive. I've not tried yet, and some people said there are many good choice besides expensive blue mountain.