Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” ― Mother Teresa

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”  ― Mother Teresa

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

4. How to Brew Coffee through Vacuum Coffee Maker


     Hello, this week I will explain how to brew coffee and give some tips that we need to bear in mind. Before the coffee, shouldn't we have a piece of music?  
(ノ>ω<)ノ Though the midterm is coming, don't be panic and enjoy the next few minutes~ =D

    Do you notice I've uploaded this clip in my first post? The whole process looks difficult, but we can divide the time span into three parts, preparing, brewing and ending. 

    In the preparing process, you need to pour a particular amount of water about 75 Celsius into lower vessel and grind the beans whose grams depend on  the volume of water (typically 100ml water for 7g coffee beans). Next, place the filter into upper vessel properly and pull the spring  to fix the filter. Last, place the heater below the coffee maker.  Here is some photo to make things clear.
     Since the post will be too long to read, the other part will be in the next post><.  Before learning the brewing step, you should know that coffee beans are vulnerable after heated since they are made of vegetable fibers. In the whole brewing and ending step, elegant stirring is important, or you will spoil the coffee and make it too bitter to drink. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

3. Coffee Miller

coffee miller 

  Before I start today's topic, since our classmate last week introduce Saint-saens, so I want to recommend a piece of him.

David oistrakh is one of my favorite violinist. =D Hope you can enjoy it~(ノ>ω<)ノ
  Okay, now when you want to brew coffee, the first thing is that you need to "mill"(磨)the beans. There are many ways to mill, and one example is coffee mill (though you can use mortar and pestle to grind coffee may be a tough work)

  Every coffee miller, including electric or traditional, can adjust the grind to make beans become finer or coarser. Here is the point you should jot it down. The finer the coffee beans are, the faster the time you brew the coffee is and vise versa.(反之亦同) (sorry :P i am not mean to use big words~ I love this word after getting it from a paper)
  So, since the temperature is relatively low in filter coffee, you should grind finer. On the other hand, the temperature of vacuum coffee is higher than filter coffee. However, there are no strict rule here, and to brew a pleasant coffee takes a lot of trial and error.

   (coarse & fine coffee powder)
reference: (only for finding terms) (words:209)


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

1. for the love of coffee -- why i choose this topic

For The Craze of Coffee

     Have you ever  walked through a cafe and been attracted by the aroma of coffee--either from roasting or brewing. Another situation may like you lay back on the couch with a cup of coffee and reading Maupassant's story--enjoying your lovely Saturday afternoon. 

    Indeed, coffee magnetizes me with its scent.  For instance, the coffee connoisseurs are curious about what the kind of scent it is. The scent depends on the producing country or estate. 

2. coffee maker

To Start With--- the coffee maker introduction

  • vacuum coffee maker

A vacuum coffee maker need a heater which make the water in the lower vessel to boil  and thus to create vacuum environment to push water to the upper vessel.  The temperature of this brewing type is relative high, and this way is believed  to be suitable for  light roast coffee beans.   Through this way, body of coffee has tendency to be full. (vessel means the glass bottle)
  • drip brew coffee  
In drip brew coffee, which also be said "filtered coffee", water seeps through the coffee beans and extracts oil and fragrance  of  them. This way can brew a cup of  light or medium body. And the speed of pouring water is the main factor which changes the  flavor.

Though there are many ways to brew coffee, I only learn two above-mentioned ways.  But in my blog, I will focus on vacuum coffee maker. ٩(。・ω・。)و

p.s. "body" is a term that we use to describe the texture of coffee.and the full means there are more oil or more thickness.
Espresso is a typical example for full body.(color is dark)
To whom tends to like illustration, here is a video for you

the next post, I will talk about how to brew a cup of coffee~