Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” ― Mother Teresa

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”  ― Mother Teresa

Thursday, November 20, 2014

7. How to Make Coffee (iii) & Coffee Cupping

     Sorry, I use this title third times because to make coffee is difficult.  Forgive me. >"<

This piece is <Vocalise> by Rachmaninov, beautiful and  peaceful, performed by Parelman.

      When you brew the coffee, the coffee smells differently as the time goes.  In the first stage, the floral or cut meadow smell goes out, then the fruit smell , then the caramel smell, in the end, the coal smell and every bad smell XDDD
      Some love more floral smell, while some love more sweetness, the caramel smell. So you need concentrate on the smell of coffee while brewing, brewing the coffee to a certain degree you love the smell the most, turning off the fire.  
     In the whole process, be careful not to burn the coffee beans because of too strong fire. If you feel coffee is too acid and bitter, you may burn the coffee beans

       The second part is coffee cupping.  You may ask why the price of coffee beans differs, how retailers determine the price. The answer is the professional coffee tasting-- the coffee cupping. In the coffee cupping, all the circumstances are rigorously demanded by SCAA, specialty coffee association of america, like at which temperature of water or extracting time. After cupping, the coffee will be given a score.  Generally speaking, the score over 80 is a good coffee without major defects.  

      p.s. After tomorrow Chemistry test, I can treat one person a cup of coffee in my dorm. I will choose the first one unless you don't want  :P  



  1. I love Rachmaninov so much! He always give me the whole emotion♪

    1. After listening the symphonic dance, I've been caught by his powerful, moving music.

  2. Brewing coffee seems to be a euphoric process.
    It is surprising that there is an agency of ranking the coffee beans. No wonder some kinds of coffee are much expensive than others.
    BTW, I am curious about the taste of the coffee you made. XDDD

    1. After surprised by this coffee bean, I went to buy "Muscato wine" to verify whether the aroma of this coffee like. It is exactly the same! p.s Muscato wine is wonderful, golden, slightly sweet, tiny bubbles floating up.
