Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” ― Mother Teresa

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”  ― Mother Teresa

Thursday, November 6, 2014 to brew coffee (ii)

 Hello, this week I continue to introduce how to brew coffee. The left parts are brewing and ending, respectively. 
      Today's music is enlighten and exhilarating. I hope you can thus get rid of bad mood of midterm.٩(。・ω・。)و

 To begin with, you need to turn on the heater to make water go to the upper vessel. As the water going to a certain level, about half of the water, you can pour the ground coffee beans into the upper vessel rapidly, using wooden stir to level the beans, waiting until the water fully goes up. In this step, we want to heat up the beans and cook them thoroughly, and thus you shouldn't stir the beans for about 30s~1min. 

   Next, poking just through the layer of coffee beans with care every 10~15s for 3~4 times, ensuring not to make the temperature to high, making coffee bitter and even ashy( however some people love ashy coffee, calling it 炭焙珈琲).
      Here we move on to the final step, ending step. Be careful, any movement without elegance can make the coffee into a catastrophe. (→ܫ←) Pushing the water forward and backward slowly to disperse the coffee beans "without forming any spiral", turning off the fire, enjoying your own-made coffee. ก็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้  


  1. It seems that we have to be very careful and attentive to brew coffee.

    1. Yes, it is what I'm still learning, difficult but interesting.

  2. Wow! You are really an expert of coffee.
